our services

Take the first step, talk to a Family Lawyer. 

Committed to helping our clients succeed

Our Expertise is in:

Family Law Services

Making early contact with an experienced family lawyer places you in the best legal position possible for your circumstance.

Fast Probate

Probate is an application before the Supreme Court proving the last will and testament of the deceased.

Wills & Estates

We have the experience and staff who are ready and able to answer your queries with regards to Wills and Deceased Estates.

Conveyancing & Property law

Our conveyancing lawyers have a combined 70 years of experience in Conveyancing and Property Law in Queensland.

Commercial Law & Litigation

We cover a wide range of Litigation, Bankruptcy, Insolvency, Mediation and Franchising.

Notary Public

In Australia, Notaries are held to a higher ethical standard than all others in the profession of law.