Recover Unclaimed Money Owing to You: Unclaimed Money Detective Service

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What is Unclaimed Money?

Money that has been transferred to or registered with a State or Federal Authorised Government Department that can include funds in forgotten bank accounts, unclaimed deposits and bonds, unclaimed superannuation funds, unclaimed insurance, unclaimed investments and securities, unclaimed deceased estates, unclaimed lottery winnings, unclaimed overpayments.

Why Engage The Unclaimed Money Detective?

  • 100% risk free;
  • no upfront fees or costs;
  • essential if you are the Executor of a deceased estate;
  • stress free claim processing;
  • receive updates by phone, email or SMS.

How is the Money Returned?

The Detective’s refund experts specialise in finding unclaimed funds for Australian individuals and companies who have lost track of their money.  They will assist in first verifying the identity of the rightful owner(s) and then assist with the claims.  Funds are then paid into the Trust Account of RobertsLaw, before their fee is deducted and the remaining funds distributed to you.

The Unclaimed Money Detective is a wholly owned subsidiary of RobertsLaw.  Visit the website here
